An important moment of my childhood

If i start thinking about important or funny moments of my childhood, the first thing that comes to my mind is my grandparents house. When mi grandfather was alive he was in charge of the house chores and also had to fill the swimming pool with clean water. During the week he invited all the kids from the neighborhood to the pool, so whenever we went to their house we had an amazing time in the pool with clean and fresh water. As he constantly renewed the water it was always really cold, almost freezing. My sisters and i could’nt spend more than 2 minutes inside because of the cold water and our lips always turned blue so we used to get out of the water next to the pool taking sun. We shared a lot of time with both my grandfather and my grandmother, this are very important moments of my life and i really apreciate them. It was so fun to be with my family playing all day in the water. They once told me that when i was still inside my moms belly and my older sister was 3 years old, she was on top of a inflatable boat and my dad tried to step in but he akwardly stepped on the side of the boat and it turned over with my sister. My sister fell into the water and my mom was really close to get into the water with clothes to “save” my sister, but my grandmother warned her about it because she was pregnant so my dad lifted my sister from the water. Finally she was okay, a little bit scaree but nothing really happened. I think of this moments with much love, specially because nowadays my grandparents only live in my memory.

In the picture, my grandparents and my sisters.


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